• Post category:Journal
Sr. No.Author/TitlePage No.
1Farmers Willingness To Pay for Privatized Agricultural Services: An Analysis with Plantation Growers(1-6)
 Chellattan  Veettil, P.1 and  Venkataranga  Naika, K.2 
2Knowledge of Cotton Growers in the Recommended Package of Practices of Cotton Cultivation(7-10)
 V. Sangeetha1, S.V. Prasad2 and Venkatesh 3 
3Perceived Constraints and Suggestions of SHGs in Kerala(11-15)
 Sajesh, V.K1 and Premlata Singh2 
4Role and Needs of Hilly Women in Trades(16-20)
 U.S. Gautam1, Chandrakanta2 and D.K. Singh3 
5Farmers Perception and Propensity for Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Vegetable Cultivation(21-25)
 Monika Wason1, R.N. Padaria2, Baldeo Singh3 and Anjani Kumar4 
6Training of Farm Journalists : A Study of Needs and Preferences(26-32)
 M.S. Nain1 and R.N. Trikha2 
7On–farm Validation of IPM Module in Tomato in North West Himalayas(33-36)
 K.S. Hooda1, J.C. Bhatt2, D. Jhosi3, S.N. Sushil4, S.R.K. Singh5, S.S. Siddiqie6 and B. Choudhary7 
8Assessment  of  Training  Needs  for  Improving  Professional Competencies  of  Extension  functionaries(37-41)
 P.S. Slathia1, P. Narinder2, G.R. Bhagat1 and S.K. Kher1 
9Stakeholders Perception about Bt Cotton and Related Socio-economic Implications and Bio-safety Concerns(42-50)
 S. Surya1, R.N. Padaria2, Baldeo Singh3, Leela Ram4 and Pankaj5 
10Training Need of Farmers Related Crop Production in Madhya Pradesh(51-55)
 D.K. Singh1, U.S.Gautam 2 Sadhana Pandey 3 and Mukesh Singh4 
11Effect of Traits of the Trainers on Their Job Satisfaction and Job Performance in Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Rajasthan(56-59)
 B.S. Meena1 and Baldeo Singh2 
12Impact of KVK Training on Farmers Adoption Behaviour and Knowledge Gain(60-62)
 N.V. Kumbhare1 and S.R. Khonde2 
13Attitude of Vegetable Growers Towards Organic Farming Practices(63-67)
 D. Jaganathan 1, V.B. Padrnanabhan2, C. Bhaskaran3, A. Chandru4 and V. Lenin5 
14Value–orientation of Entrepreneurs: A Critical Analysis(68-73)
 C.Y. Manikahiya1, Anita Jhamtani2, R.N. Padaria3,  Letha Devi G4 and V.K. Yadav5 
15Information Processing Behaviour of Dairy Farmers in Adoption of Animal Husbandry Practices(74-80)
 Naresh  Prasad¹, R.S. Dalal² and  S.P.  Singh³ 
16Impact of Cotton  IPM  Demonstration(81-84)
 A.M. Narula1, S. Shashikumar2 and D.G. Chougala3 
17Constraints and Motivation behind Jute Cultivation(85-91)
 Rajendra R. Chapke1 
18Assessing Impact of Vegetable Extension in Mid-hills of Uttarakhand(92-96)
 S.R.K. Singh1, K. Srinivas2,  K.P. Singh3, U.S. Gautam4 and A.K. Dixit5 
19Adoption Behavior of FLD and Non-FLD Farmers of Sunflower(97-101)
 M.Padmaiah1, S.V.Ramana Rao2 and G.V. Ramanjaneyulu3 
20Identification of Problems of Soybean Growers in Madhya Pradesh(102-105)
 B.U.Dupare1, S.D. Billore2 and O.P. Joshi3 
21Empowerment Status of Rural Women through Self Help Groups(106-112)
 Komal Kashid¹, P.P. Wankhade² and D.M. Mankar³ 
22Assessment of Knowledge Levels and Constraints of Potato Growers(113-117)
 Dan Singh1, Sachin Kumar2 and Ashok Kumar3 
23Mobilization of Community Groups for Fish Seed Rearing : An Institutional Innovation of Tribal Fisherfolk at Tawa Reservoir, M.P.(118-121)
 L.K. Tyagi1, Amar  Pal2 and  W.S. Lakra3 
24Farmer Participatory Evaluation of Groundnut Varieties(122-124)
 G.D. Satish Kumar¹ and S.P. Singh² 
25Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Vegetable Growers(125-127)
 Shailash Kumar¹ and Gyanendra Sharma² 
26Level of Consumers Awareness Regarding ISI, FPO & Agmark Standards(128-130)
 Indu Karki1, Neelam Mahrotra2 and M.L. Bansal3 
27Impact of Home science training on Rural Women(131-133)
 Maya Kumari1, Ashok Kumar2, Pradeep Prasad3 and Shashi Bhushan Kumar4 
28Development of a Scale to Measure the Information Efficiency of Agricultural Expert System(137-140)
 S. Helen1 and F.M.H. Khaleel2