THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF EXTENSION EDUCATION (Registered under Societies Registration Act with Regd. No S-2504) Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012 |
The Secretary,
The Indian Society of Extension Education
Division of Agricultural Extension
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110 012.
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Membership of Indian Society of Extension Education
Membership is open to individuals and institutions actively engaged or having interest in the field of Extension Education. Any such individual or institution may become a member by paying the membership fee. Any individual having Master or Doctoral degree in any branch of Extension Education can become an ordinary or life member of the society by paying fee determined for the purpose. Any student in the University, College, Technical School or Research Institute pursuing Master or Doctoral Degree in any specialization of Extension Education may become student member of the society, which is valid for five years only.
Fees for the Membership of ISEE:
Life member (Indian) :Rs. 8000.00
Life member (Foreign) :US $ 250.00
Ordinary Member (Annual) :Rs. 3000.00
Student Membership (valid for five years only) :Rs. 2000.00
Indian Journal of Extension Education (ISSN 0537-1996, eISSN 2454-552X)
The Journal is published after every quarter, i.e., January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December. The subscription rates are as follows:
Subscription Rate for IJEE:
Indian (annual) :Rs. 4500.00 (Including Postage etc.)
Single Copy (India) :Rs. 1650.00 (Including Postage etc.)
Foreign (annual) :US $ 100.00
Single Copy (Foreign) :US $ 25.00
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RTGS/ NEFT IFS Code: PUNB0306300
Account No.: 7439002100000198
All remittances and correspondence relating to Membership, Subscription, Sales, Advertisement, etc. should be addressed to the Secretary, Indian Society of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012
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Manuscripts may be submitted on the ICAR Website after going through the author guidelines)
The manuscripts for publication in the Indian Journal of Extension Education and any other correspondence in that connection, may please be addressed, to the Chief Editor ([email protected]), Indian Journal of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012