• Post category:Journal
Sr. No.Author/TitlePage_no
1Agribusiness in the Vision of Rural Youths: A Study in Odisha(1-5)
 C. Satapathy1 and Sabita Mishra2 
2Adoption of Rice Production Technologies by Tribal Farmers of Mandla District of M.P.(6-9)
 P K Singh1 and K K Barman2 
3Impact of Frontline Demonstration on Productivity Enhancement in Chickpea(10-13)
 U.S. Gautam1, D.K. Paliwal2 and S.R.K. Singh3 
4Impact of Self Help Groups on the Empowerment of Rural Women: A Case of Kudumbasree Programme in Kerala(14-19)
 V K Sajesh 1, P. Ramasundaram2 and Premlata Singh3 
5Socio-economic Impact of Contract Farming(20-25)
 Arnab Biswas1, Baldeo Singh2 and Premlata Singh3 
6Technological Gap in Pomegranate Cultivation(26-32)
 Vishnugouda1, J.P. Sharma2, Premlata Singh3 
7Study of Two Farmer-Led Extension Approaches in Uttarakhand Hills(33-36)
 S.R.K. Singh1, S.K. Pandey2, A.K. Dixit3, R.S. Negi4 and S.S. Gautam5 
8Knowledge and Adoption of Gram Production Technology(37-39)
 S.K. Pandey1, U.S. Gautam2, D.P. Rai3  and Mohd.Mustafa4 
9Information Needs of Farmers Regarding Improved Agricultural Technologies(40-44)
 Baldeo Singh1, R. N. Padaria2, Mukesh Singh3, Mandavi Mishra4 and V. K. Chaturvedi5 
10Farmers’ Perception on Cumin Based Intercropping Systems: A Case in Arid Zone of Rajasthan(45-49)
 M.L. Meena1, Dheeraj Singh2 and M.K. Chaudhary3 
11Performance of Kharif Onion in Vindhyan Region of Madhya Pradesh(50-53)
 Rajesh Singh1  P. S. Gurjar2 and Rajeev Singh3 
12Knowledge Level of Groundnut Farmers in Jaipur District, Rajasthan(54-56)
 H.N. Verma1 and J.P. Yadav2 
13Ergonomic Evaluation of the Farm Women during Weeding(57-60)
 Alka Singh1 U.S. Gautam2 and  S.R.K. Singh3 
14Enhancing Income of Farmers using Group Approaches(61-64)
 D.K. Singh1, S.B. Agrawal2 , D.P. Sharma3, D. Singh4 and S.K.Pandey5 
15Effect of Technological Interventions on Yield and Economics of Pigeon pea in Eastern U.P.(65-68)
 A.P. Dwivedi1, R.P.Singh2  and Mamta Singh3 
16Comparative Knowledge Level of the Organic and Conventional Farmers Regarding Organic Farming Practices in Jaipur, District of Rajasthan(69-73)
 M. K. Jangid1, I. M. Khan2 and B. L. Dhayal3 
17Training Needs of Extension Personnel in Agricultural Enginering(74-81)
 Nirmal Kumar1, Mukesh Kumar Singh2 and Anil Kumar Dohare3 
18Constraints Faced by Rice-Wheat Growers in Training Imparted by KVKs(82-85)
 Anand Kumar Tiwari1 and Jagannath Pathak2 
19Impact of Kisan Call Center in Madhya Pradesh(86-88)
 Deva Kant1 and Archana Pandey2 
20Impact of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) on Production of Paddy among Practicing Farmers(89-92)
 Deepti Rahangdale1, S.K. Agrawal2, V.K. Pyasi3 and M.K. Dubey4 
22Income Generation Through Varietal Selection of Rabi Onion in Kymore Plateau of Madhya Pradesh(93-96)
 Rajesh Singh1, P. S. Gurjar2, Saurabh Singh3 and A.K. Singh4 
23Impact of Improved Technology on Soyabean Productivity in Frontline Demonstration(97-100)
 Swapnil Dubey1, Sarvesh Tripathy2, Pradyumn Singh3 and R.K. Sharma4 
24Impact of Watershed Development Programmes of Watershed Organization Trust (WOTR) on the Beneficiaries in Ahmednagar District(101-105)
 P.G. Khalache1 and J.H. Gaikwad2 
25Constraints Perceived by the Tribal and Non-Tribal Farmers in Coriander Production Technology in Jhalawar, Rajasthan(106-111)
 D. K. Meena1, L. S. Bareth2, B. S. Badhala3 and Hanuman Lal4 
26Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Adoption of Low Cost Agricultural Technologies(112-116)
 Seema Naberia1 , U.S. Gautam2 and Aroop Kumar Gupta3 
27Developing Human Resource for Meeting Pulses Demand(117-120)
 Purushottam1   and Baldeo Singh2 
28Disseminating Weed Management Technology for Changing Economic Scenario of  Farmers(121-124)
 P K Singh1, K K Barman2 and D.K. Singh3 
29Financial Inclusion of Rural Households – A Case Study from Hanumangarh District, Rajasthan(125-128)
 Anju Bhatia1 and Neetu Saraswat2 
30Status of ICT Application in Agriculture –an Overview(129-134)
 N.K.Khare1, Sonam Agrawal2  and Parvez Rajan3 
31Economic Contribution of KVK Activities in Ujjain District of Madhya Pradesh(135-137)
 Arvind Saxena1, A.K.Dixit2, D.S.Tomar3  and S.K. Kaushik4 
32Information Delivery System Through Kisan Mobile Advisory Services(138-142)
 D.K. Singh1, D.P. Sharma2, G.A. Abraham3   and P.K. Singh4 
33Coastal Indebtedness and Impact of Microfinance in Marine Fisheries Sector of West Bengal(143-149)
 V.P. Vipinkumar1, Baldeo Singh2 and R. Narayanakumar 3 
34IFS Approaches for Sustainable Livelihood of Small and Marginal Farmers in Odisha(150-154)
 B. Mishra1, S.S. Nanda2, R. Mishra3 and P.K. Panda4 
35Assessing Knowledge and Adoption of Fish Farmers about Fish Production Technology in Madhya Pradesh(155-160)
 Parvez Rajan1, M.K. Dubey2, Sonam Agrawal3 and Sandeep Chauhan4 
36Role of Frontline Demonstration in Boosting the Pulse Production(161-163)
 Jagannath Pathak1, Ajeet Singh2, Bhupendra Singh3 and Rahul Mishra4 
38Extent of Adoption of Production and Protection Technologies of Field Pea by farmers of district Ghazipur of Uttar Pradesh(164-168)
 A.P. Dwivedi1, R.P. Singh2 and Mamta Singh3 
39Awareness about Cotton Production Technology of Tribal Farmer(169-171)
 R.K. Yadav1, I.S. Tomar2, S.K. Garg3, M.S. Jadon4  and A. Sukla5